Black, Hispanic and Native American people infected with COVID-19 are about four times more likely to be hospitalized than others according to the CDC. American Indian and Alaska Native people were hospitalized about 4.1 times the rate of non-Hispanic White people, the CDC said.
The Navajo Nation recently passed 600 deaths from COVID-19, more than 8 states, and has begun a three-week lockdown that health officials hope will slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. The lockdown will require citizens to stay home and stay within the borders of the reservation, while tourists will not be allowed. Essential businesses like grocery stores will remain open.
Cronkite News reports that Native leaders across Indian Country are keeping close watch on the Supreme Court battle over whether to repeal all or parts of the Affordable Care Act, which includes a number of provisions specific to Indian Country, including permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.
The Seneca-Cayuga Nation recently elected their first female Chief, Sarah Channing, who joined Indian Country Today for an interview to discuss the future of her tribe.
Keep reading for a full news update.
Navajo Nation Has Surpassed 600 COVID-19 Related Deaths; More Than 8 States
Native News Online, November 15
The Navajo Nation has surpassed 600 deaths from Covid-19. On Sunday, the Navajo Nation reported four Covid-related deaths which brings the death toll to 602. When compared to states, the Navajo Nation has more Covid-related deaths than the following states: Alaska (98 deaths); Hawaii (222 deaths); Maine (165 deaths); Montana (520 deaths); New Hampshire (499 deaths); Vermont (59 deaths); West Virginia (582 deaths); and Wyoming (144 deaths).
COVID-19 Is Sending Black, Latino And Native American People To The Hospital At About 4 Times The Rate Of Others
CNN, Nicole Chavez, November 16
Black, Hispanic and Native American people infected with Covid-19 are about four times more likely to be hospitalized than others, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows. In the eight-month period between March 1 to November 7, there were 70,825 hospitalizations reported to the CDC.
2020 Elections:
Seneca-Cayuga’s First Female Chief
Indian Country Today, Kolby Kickingwoman, November 16
Seneca-Cayuga Nation elects its first female chief, Sarah Channing. “We’re hoping that more women and, and young girls look at me and say, ‘Hey, I can do this.’ And that to me is a great honor.”
‘Disruptive And Cruel’: Native Americans Worry As Supreme Court Weighs Repeal Of Health Care Act
Cronkite News, Jake Lewis, November 16
Native American leaders are keeping close watch on the Supreme Court battle over whether to repeal all or parts of the Affordable Care Act, a move many say could devastate health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The Affordable Care Act includes a number of provisions specific to Indian Country, including permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which provides ongoing funding for Native health programs, primarily through the Indian Health Service.
Tribal Leaders To Meet Virtually With New Mexico Governor
Indian Country Today, Aliyah Chavez, November 16
Leaders from New Mexico’s 23 sovereign nations will meet virtually with the state’s governor and her administration during a daylong Tribal Leaders Summit on Tuesday. In a rare media appearance, governors from San Felipe and Acoma Pueblos joined the state’s secretary of Indian Affairs for a virtual news conference Monday to discuss the event, which will be closed to the press.
Officials Question Service Cuts At Pueblo Hospital
Indian Country Today, Dalton Walker, November 16
A federally run health care facility on tribal land in New Mexico has scaled back many of its services during the COVID-19 pandemic, and those decisions are being questioned by elected officials, including the state governor and leader of the pueblo most affected. The Acoma-Canoncito-Laguna Service Unit, an Indian Health Service facility on the northern edge of the Acoma Pueblo, no longer offers in-patient and emergency care services.
Maine’s Truth And Reconciliation Effort: A New Path Forward
Native News Online, Martin Levine, November 16
The United States is a deeply divided nation, struggling to reconcile the legacies of its history. For real change, we may have to reconcile with those from whom we have grown separate and develop a shared understanding of our different life experiences. That’s the lesson we can learn from the state of Maine’s approach to meeting the child welfare needs of its Native American community.
Marquette Considers Redoing Seal Accused Of Favoring White Explorer Over Native American Guide
The College Fix, Jeremy Hill, November 16
Marquette University is reportedly considering a redo of the school seal, which some student activists have accused of distorting how Native Americans helped Father Jacques Marquette navigate during his explorations of the country. The university is named for Marquette.
Scottsdale Tribe Builds 5-Acre Memorial To USS Arizona
AP News, November 15
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community has built the 5-acre memorial near Scottsdale as a tribute to those who were aboard the USS Arizona when it was attacked and sank at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The USS Arizona Memorial Gardens honors each of the ship’s 1,512 crew members, including the 1,177 who died in the explosion caused by one torpedo and eight bombs hitting the battleship.